M4A advocates for the independence, dignity, choice and safety of Montana’s seniors and people with disabilities. We work closely with the state Legislature to support services a for our aging population and advocate for adequate funding levels, policy change that benefits consumers of long-term services and supports .
M4A Public Policy Statements
The following list of issues have been identified by M4A Board members as priority concerns and goals of the Area Agencies on Aging. Our public policy statement provide a clear message to lawmakers, local officials, and partners regarding the M4A position on proposed legislation.
Economic and Workforce Development
- M4A supports the development of a qualified and well-paid workforce by developing new approaches in technology, marketing, and business development.
- M4A believes that developing a broadband data connectivity will result in increased access to educational opportunities for aspiring professionals.
- Montana’s aging community relies on an insufficiently small workforce to provide necessary services, in part, due to low pay and lack of funding opportunities. M4A strongly encourages lawmakers to invest in programs that provide employment opportunities while supporting critical services such as respite care.
Health Services
- M4A efforts include enhancing public awareness and preparation for the significant population changes facing Montana communities in the next twenty years. As Montana becomes a state with one of the highest population percentages of adults over age 50, M4A will encourage lawmakers to adjust funding and planning for health services accordingly.
- M4A supports the expansion of Medicaid Services with responsible parameters and adequate funding.
- M4A supports enhanced oversight of drug prescriptions including disbursement, pricing, and disposal.
- M4A believes that adequate chemical dependency treatment programs throughout Montana protect those who are dependent upon medications and promotes an overall healthier community.
- M4A requests increased state funding for local aging services to reduce the burden on city and county budgets.
- M4A supports the development of enhanced public transportation opportunities and/or development of public-private partnerships that allow for travel to medical appointments, social engagements, and work opportunities.
Civic and Community Development
- M4A supports state and local planning that maintain safe streets, reduce isolation, encourage public use of land, and ensure public property is accessible to all members of the community.
- M4A encourages development of low-income housing models that reduce the amount of living space for aging adults who live alone or with a partner in areas that ensure easy access to community services.