The population of people 65 and older with Alzheimer’s in Montana is projected to increase by 22.7% by 2025 – one of the largest increases in the country. As of 2020, 22,000 Montana residents over age 65 have been diagnosed with the condition. Although we are one of the greyest states in the country with a tremendous impact by Alzheimer’s and Dementia, we can also boast that Montana is among the states with the lowest mortality rate due to the disease. Thanks to the ongoing efforts of the aging services network, we continue to improve services and support research into this devastating condition.
M4A has partnered with the Montana Alzheimer’s Association and the state Health Department to combat the negative impacts of Alzheimer’s disease on our older adults. Four densely populated regions of Montana are participating in this initiative.
Care Navigators at each Area Agency on Aging are working hard to connect with those experiencing dementia-related symptoms. Contact your Area Agency on Aging and begin your path to care.
Area II Agency on Aging
Director: Marcie Brookie
Local (406) 323-1320
Toll Free 1-800-551-3191
Yellowstone, Big Horn, Carbon, Fergus, Golden Valley, Judith Basin, Musselshell, Petroleum, Stillwater, Sweet Grass, Wheatland Counties and Crow and Northern Cheyenne Reservations
Area IV Agency on Aging
Director: Jim Marks
Neighborhood Center (406) 447-1680
Jackson Street Center (406) 457-7368
Broadwater, Gallatin, Jefferson, Lewis and Clark, Meagher, and Park Counties
Area V Southwest Montana Aging and Disability Services
Director: Joe Gilboy
Local (406) 782-5555
Toll Free 1-800-551-3191
Beaverhead, Deer Lodge, Granite, Madison, Powell, and Silver Bow Counties
Area IX Flathead Count Agency on Aging
Director: Lisa Sheppard
Flathead County
(406) 758-5730